Monday, December 30, 2019

Career Research Plan - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 646 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/03/11 Category Career Essay Level High school Tags: Career Plan Essay Did you like this example? Introduction If I wanted to pursue a career in the Human Resource Department, I would have to have a respectable degree or certification of this field. It is very important for myself to have strong communication skills when taking many calls and speaking with employees. Stepping into this job field I should also be ready to step in and be ready to work in a diverse population. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Career Research Plan" essay for you Create order Human Resource is a department of a company which deals with the recruiting, training, screening and administrating the employees of that company. I feel as this career is perfect for myself, because I have a strong passion with working with others and staying organized while handling business. A Human Resource Manager is supposed to look after the company’s employees, make sure they are motivated to do their best for the company’s sake, define perks and benefits they are to receive in order to make sure they don’t want to leave, manage their general performance, define new ways the entire organization may develop in future, deal with health and safety issues, define training programs that will increase the value of employees. As a 9th Freshmen I believe that taking this Business and Technology course it will help me familiarize myself to the business terminology and prepare for college and the job world. This job in particular can be seen as proactive because of their continuous development and functions to improve the company workforce. Human resource management is the type of management where almost everybody in managing position can play apart in training and development. Human resource management is the center of an organization and can be seen as the backbone of the company. This work position connects all departments together to ensure a smooth workflow and communication. This department also works and do their job to ensure the employee is taken care of and that the employee feels that he or she is a valued aspect of the company. Taking care of employees greatly ensures that the employees will in turn provide the best service possible to Managers and such. Throughout this year’s summer, I have gone to work with my mother in HR every week and experience all the business and responsibly she holds for her position. My assignment for the days changed casually from paper filing to payroll on the computer, which I picked up quickly after a few runs. Ever since my mother started her jobs years ago, I grew an interest on computers and everything business related which she thought was adorable and started to educate me here and there. Whether it is watching her answer the phone or helping her employees, I know for sure I can fulfil this role in the future. Salary ranges can vary widely depend on many important factors, including education, certifications, additional skills, the number of years you have spent in your profession. Typically, HR managers are required to have a bachelors degree in Business Administration or Human Resource Management. Once you have completed your courses and received your required bachelor’s degree you may now apply for the work force. With the proper training and education becoming a human resource manager can be a rewarding career. Conclusion As you first start, you should know that your pay is not going to please your desire, because the more experience and years you put in you may receive a raise. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, human resources managers earned an average of $106,910 in 2016 and $51.40 per hour. I did not choose this career because of the money, but for the benefits it provides and the effort it is asking for. In the next 10 years, I plan to work for a corporate company and become its Human Resource Manager who discusses and search for employees to expand the business area while organizing programs while setting up interviews.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Issue Of Eating Disorders Essay - 1894 Words

The issue of eating disorders has become a phenomenon affecting people in many cultures all over the world, especially young women. Today eating disorders are so common that research by The American Psychology Association suggests 1 or 2 out of every 100 students will struggle with an eating disorder and in the United States, 20 million women and 10 million men suffer from a clinically significant eating disorder at some time in their life, including anorexia nervosa. This same research suggests that 95% of those who have eating disorders are young women between the ages of 12 and 25 (Thompson Smolak, 2001). Each year thousands of young women develop eating disorders or problems with weight, eating, and body image; the prevalence of eating disorders is only increasing as time goes by. Research suggests there has been a rise in cases of anorexia in young women ages 15-19 in each decade since 1930 (Hoek van Hoeken, 2003). While many people believe this issue only affects a certain par t of the population, eating disorders don’t discriminate among race, ethnicity, or culture. The prevalence of eating disorders has been found to be similar among different races such as Hispanic, Asians, African-Americans, and Asians ((Hudson et al., 2007). Therefore, it’s very important to address the potential causes and factors that can contribute to the development of eating disorders. The American Psychology Association defines an eating disorder as â€Å"any abnormal eating habits that canShow MoreRelatedEating Disorders : The Forgotten Issue1302 Words   |  6 Pages Eating Disorders: The Forgotten Issue In today’s society, it has become hard for the average person to fit the high expectations and perfect mold that has been created by being connected to the internet. With the pressure so high, and competition so intense everyone is striving to become perfect to fit the mold. 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Today, more than ever, adolescents are worrying about weight, shape, size and body image and. It does not help that these children are growing up in a world filled with media material emphasizing dangerously skinny bodies as beautiful and perfect. Anne Morris and Debra Katzman, authors of â€Å"The Impact of the Media on Eating Disorders in ChildrenRead MoreEffects Of Weight Issues On Eating Disorders1218 Words   |  5 PagesStudy Josephine is a reoccurring patient who struggles with weight issues and an eating disorder. During each session it is important to record certain information for her legal medical records. 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Once she has separated the foods she willRead MoreEating Disorders And Body Image Issues2801 Words   |  12 PagesIntroduction Eating disorders (ED) and body image issues are increasingly becoming more and more common among women in Western societies (Stice, 2002). Over the past couple years the prevalence of bulimia nervosa (BN) and has steadily increased, 3 out of 100 women that are now diagnosed with the disorder (Botta, 1999; Hesse-Biber et. al, 2006). This brings into question wether it is in fact BN that is increasing, our awareness or the rising numbers of other comorbid disorders in Western societiesRead MoreEssay about Eating Disorders: A Feminist Issue1575 Words   |  7 PagesEating Disorders: A Feminist Issue What is a feminist approach to understanding eating disorders? Not all feminists have the same understanding of eating disorders. There are many different theories that are prevalent in feminist literature today. 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In which caseRead MoreEnvironmental Factors And Biological Factors That Predispose People Habits And Behaviors Of Eating Disorders1679 Words   |  7 PagesBiological Issues That Predispose People to Habits and Behaviors of Eating Disorders Brittany N. Rehberg GCC Abstract There is a direct correlation between environmental factors and the development of eating disorders. Issues, such as bullying and skeptical comments, have been largely ignored. This thesis will attempt to show that biological as well as environmental issues correlate with a variety of eating disorders. Eating disorders would be Anorexia, Bulimia, and Binge Eating. When environmentalRead MoreEating Disorders And Eating Disorder1104 Words   |  5 PagesEating disorder is a serious problem happens in both men and women. Eating disorder is a sort of disease in which a person is having a strange routine of eating like consuming a huge amount of food each time they eat. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Top Down Leadership vs Bottom Up Leadership Free Essays

Top down Leadership versus Bottom up Leadership Top down leadership has in many ways been the cultural gnome in terms of leadership styles for probably the longest time in history Likert termed it Exploitive authoritative. â€Å"In this style, the leader has a low concern for people and uses such methods as threats and other fear-based methods to achieve conformance. Communication is almost entirely downwards and the psychologically distant concerns of people are ignored. We will write a custom essay sample on Top Down Leadership vs Bottom Up Leadership or any similar topic only for you Order Now (Likert, 1969) Top down leadership has had a deep impact and so much intertwined with human culture that it is deemed to be simply the natural form of leadership. There are many other forms of leadership styles being nurtured so as to adapt with cultural changes and views on leadership roles, not to say they are any lesser but top down and bottom up were at both extremes of the leadership spectrum hence choosing to focus on the two. The structure of most organizations is based on an autocratic hierarchy that is based on the notion that the ‘workers’ need to be very closely supervised by those in ‘management’. In the distant past there may have been some truth to this assertion, however, in today’s world it is becoming increasingly spurious. Yet after a whole heap of culture change initiatives carried out in many organizations very little positive change has occurred. The reason is clear to see as the hierarchy is naturally committed to retaining the status quo between the roles of those called ‘bosses’ from those labeled the ‘workers’. (para11, Jaap, June 2011) Bottom-up leadership however â€Å"occurs when employees become innovative and questioning, making suggestions and pushing boundaries. â€Å"Thought leadership† is similar, although it is more about championing new ideas than managing people or helping a group achieve a goal. However, in b oth cases, the leadership can be directed upward, and it ends once senior managers accept the proposed ideas. † (Ki-Young Mi-Jin 2008 summer p. 9) The concept of bottom up leadership requires a person to think outside of the box because it challenges mainstream beliefs and ideologies as regards to leadership roles. There is an oriental saying that states â€Å"cup would have to be poured out to allow room for more a filled†. Which implies putting aside of one’s wisdom so as to learn new material. Jaap characterization of a bottom up leader is that â€Å"An effective leader is considered to be someone who has the ability to share a compelling vision of a desirable outcome, create the environment in which a group of ndividuals work as a collaborative team focused on turning the vision into a reality. † (Par5 Jaap 2008) For most people the bottom up concept is relatively not applied as it really should due to the fact that people who are in leadership roles tend to have insecurities if more flexibility were to be offered to employees. The leaders deem that people would in actuality develop some form of negligence to those that are in position of authority. Take for instance the anti government protests that developed all across the Middle East, these protests are as a result of people who are frustrated by the top down leadership style being carried out by their leaders. Leadership as it was in these Arab nations was flowing only on a downstream when it came to the issue of communication, for the people’s concerns were being met by brutal force which included jail term and death in some cases to any person that seemed to offer an alternative to the top down leadership that was in place. The western world has a strong belief for equal rights for all and most importantly the right for all to live a fulfilled life and it is quite apparent as the Arabs began questioning for these same rights their leaders who had their heads buried under the sand were under the assumption that their usual scare tactics would quench the flames of revolution. However, these were not the usual times in Arab nations, the revolutionary flames burn on rampantly towards the leaders who have in all actuality failed to lead their nations due to the fact that they led as though they had eternity to rule, which was the greatest mistake to have done. They failed to observe the change in tide as the world around them continued to evolve, more and more people getting connected via internet. Social media had set up stage for people to voice their concerns as to what directions their leaders were getting them to travel, their lack of empathy and lost track of reality only looking for more ways and means to enlarge their bank accounts, assets and investments at the cost of people. Had the approach been taken on a bottom up approach the outcome would definitely have been different due to the fact they would have had empathy and understanding for a bottom up leader is as follows. The leader is part of the team and accepts that on occasions other members of the team may in fact take on the leadership role because they have the necessary capabilities to deal with particular situations more so than the nominated leader. The working environment is based on trust and respect for each other and the language is about our â€Å"leader, colleagues, team, accountability, achievement, success, and celebration† rather than â€Å"boss, staff, levels, roles, responsibility, remuneration, and appraisal†. There is a constant sharing of information between the team members and sincere dialogue about issues that may be contentious because colleagues have different perspectives and expectations. By transparently dialoguing these and all other issues the best solution is more likely to emerge because the team is able to make the tough call when necessary. They tend to avoid meetings and discussions based on consensus as they know from experience that this process tend to produce a solution driven by the lowest common denominator and frequently not what is needed by the organization. Par7 Jaap 2008) Not wanting to seem all too pessimistic towards top down leadership, there are certain areas such as the military organizations or police force where top down leadership is and strongly believe will continue to be employed in such areas to the unforeseeable future because the whole system is heavily based upon order. The military organizations in America are applaud able and should be exemplary for the rest of the world military to emulate, not to be deemed as a war fanatics’ but rather as an organization that understands what entails protecting its citizens. Leadership however is what directs them to war, peace, rescue missions etc for that is typical for those who are disciplined to follow top down leadership. â€Å"The whole system tends to absorb its people in focusing on rules and procedures designed to keep everyone in their appropriate place doing exactly what each tribe dictates its members should be doing. Most organizational language is about reinforcing the master/servant or parent/child relationship that appears to be an essential part of the military type of hierarchy â€Å"(par4 Jaap May 2008). Keeping this in mind we also have to understand that the discipline they have did not just appear out of nowhere, they had to undergo rigorous training in order to be transformed into a command structured person. Rivers stated in his research There is little question that one of the chief causes of the great prevalence of nervous disorders in the war is that vast numbers of men have been called upon to endure hardships and dangers of unprecedented severity with a quite insufficient training. There is equally little doubt that the special nature of the duties involved in trench warfare has taken a large part in determining the great frequency of neurosis. (Rivers 1920) An argument that a critic would say is that Rivers wrote the book almost a century back, technological advancements have been made in leaps and bounds to outweigh nervous disorders and the two to three month training period is very much sufficient. In the article The emotional effects of war T, Stan states â€Å"Some veterans of past wars have recovered from their traumatic experience with the right care, but what we need to ask ourselves is how we can protect them from mental trauma before they are even sent to fight, as opposed to treating their symptoms once the deep psychological damage has already been done. â€Å" (Stan. ) Unfortunately the fact of the matter remains to date that there are soldiers that suffer psychologically as a result of doing what their work requires, which is top down leadership at its raw definition. These military examples indicate that as much as human beings have made top down form of leadership a reality it can be extremely costly because war is not quite human nature otherwise there would not be reports of psychological issues as a result of following orders to the bitter end â€Å"The emotional effects of war on soldiers very often hinders their future achievements too as they find it impossible to imagine or plan. † (Stan. By majorly focusing on the psychological effects of extreme top down leadership one can deduce that as a result of exposing human natural emotions through such experiences has daunting and drastic effect that the individual would have to bear on a personal basis that even further affect the social aspect of life and family life. It takes training the human qualities to this image of a soldier to serve further implying how top down leadership does not quite just come naturally but is instilled on a person. The approach towards bottom up leadership simply put emphasis on doing what human beings do best which are being social creatures that we are. Human beings generally have more tendencies to show concern for just about anyone in distress disregarding all other factors such as race, nationality, etc. bottom up leadership works to build on the basis of establishing social relationship as its core foundations because people are really the most important asset any institution or organization could possibly have. Focusing on who people are as human beings develop empathy on the part of a leader and people tend to give more effort when they feel people actually do care and understand where they are coming from. â€Å"The emotional intelligent professional is a master of building relationships, which provide the foundation for developing the influence required to make things happen. To become a master yourself you must develop your emotional intelligence and learn. (Wall, 2008, p37) In life it has become apparent that common sense in most cases is not quite common for human beings have invested great time and effort towards scientific research as to how better efficient leadership could be achieved and the human factor was just but an element on the production line where efficiency of workers has and always been based on individual output with little or no attention to the needs of the laborer. For an organization to be firmly established to withstand the tides of change, greater emphasis should be made in the areas of relationship development as being the major component in the structural base. â€Å"As we facilitate organizational change efforts for client companies, we find it helpful to use a few nautical metaphors to remind them that they can’t control the winds or seas of change but they can adjust their sails† (Sipe Frick 2009, p142). With the development of social media a much broader avenue has been made when it comes to unifying people bent on same beliefs and course of actions. The Middle East crisis is the emancipation of a top down form of governance at its wits end where fear tactics no longer played the factor, for people were united in common bond for social change as they deemed injustice was being played against their God given rights to freedom. The protesters dropped all they were doing, businesses, government; financial institutions and so on were all brought to a halt because the nation’s work force saw that it could no longer be business as usual when their leaders have no real concern for their needs. Now you may ask â€Å"what has this to do with culture change in organizations†. My response would be to say â€Å"quite a lot† as the reasons the various regimes fight to retain the status quo is a mirror image of what goes on in organizations. They may not use armed weapons but they do tend to make significant use of traditional, psychological and physical methods to quell any imminent revolt by employees. Jaap, T (par2 June 2011). Creativity is an essential part of the human nature that fosters new ideals, inventions and venture to greater heights by virtue of imagining beyond the sum of one’s present circumstances. In order to facilitate these qualities individuals have to have a form of freedom that makes it conducive for free flow of knowledge and ideas based on the fact that they no longer see the work they are doing as work but develop a sense of ownership and passion in the roles they have to perform in the organization. Most organizational leaders would highly appreciate workers that bring enthusiastic views and effort to work for it energizes the whole team. Not only would that develop a healthy working atmosphere but the productivity also will definitely be increased exponentially because everyone would understand that they are valued and all their inputs play a vital role in the operational process. Many leaders are more than likely going to argue that bottom up leadership could only cause chaos in the work place rather than productivity as a result of everyone having self expression as to how they look at life in the organization. The leaders in most cases forget an important concept that they themselves are called to serve. Rather than leading in a group top down leaders would rather lead ahead of the group which implies egotistic approach on the whole leadership process for the individual leader seeks to gain attention as being the alpha dog of the group. Bottom up leadership however is focused on developing team spirit in the organization where people unite to tackle the task at hand with clear objectives of getting the job done right and credit is made to the team as a whole. Not only is bottom up leadership a healthy form of leadership style it will in most cases increase employee retention hence ensuring that the organization has committed people on the team which does go a long way in comparison of trying to build passion in people who are disgruntled by leaders that only understand my way or the highway form of mindset The importance of team development could not be understated, they are what hold organizations together, by professionalizing conflicts in actuality if done well fosters healthy working relationships. Conflicts should not be taken personally and working roles need to be well defined so that those involved have good understanding of their responsibilities as pertaining to the task at hand. As being part of the team one has to be actively involved in the decision making process by adding input so as to take the participatory approach. While in a team it is also good to remember that when there happens to be problems in the organization it is very likely that 85% percent is as a result of system failure and 15% people A main force behind my thinking is the conviction that a management style from the bottom up, instead of top down is more effective. Main reason for this is that by being stimulating and facilitating people are better equipped to perform their tasks: higher motivation, less stressed and more able to absorb complexity†¦. I am convinced that if this style of management is in your brain, you have a more tolerating, productive and positive mind set, and one that is based upon trust instead of fear. I am convinced that educating around the globe about this style (instead of the old top-down directive leadership style) will have an amazing impact on more than just how businesses are run. It is about a better human-human interaction. (Par7 De Baar 2008) References Likert, R. (1967). The human organization: Its management and value, New York: McGraw-Hill Jaap, T (June 2011). Culture change by evolution or revolution. Retrieved from http://bottomupleadership. com/ Jaap, T (May 8 2008) . Why is leadership failing? Retrieved from http://bottomupleadership. com/why-is-leadership-failing/ N, Ki-Young J, Mi-Jin (2008 summer). Bottom- Up Design Leadership as a Strategic Tool. Retrieved from http://www. dmi. org/dmi/html/publications/journal/pdf/08193NAM59. pdf W, H, R, Rivers (1920). Instinct and the Unconscious. Retrieved from http://en. wikisource. org/wiki/Instinct_and_the_Unconscious/War-Neurosis_and_Military_Training Jaap, T (may 3 2008) Being a Bottom up Leader. Retrieved from http://bottomupleadership. com/being-a-bottomup-leader/ T, Stan. The emotional effects of war on soldiers. Retrieved from http://www. healthguidance. org/entry/11261/1/The-Emotional-Effects-of-War-on-Soldiers. html B, Wall (2008). Working Relationships, Mountain view, CA: Davies Black Publishing 37. J, Sipe D, Frick (2009) Seven Pillars of Servant Leadership. NY/ Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press 142. De Baar, B (2008). Bottoms Up: Leadership style for a better world. Retrieved from http://www. basdebaar. com/bottoms-up-leadership-style-for-a-better-world-168. html How to cite Top Down Leadership vs Bottom Up Leadership, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Analytical skills of Coca Cola Pvt Ltd Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Analytical skills of Coca Cola Pvt Ltd. Answer: Introduction Todays business managers are much more competitive, competent and knowledgeable. Earlier all a manager needs to do was just to co-ordinate between the higher end and the lower end but now their jobs have been diversified(kochar, 2013). A competent manager is one who has a number of qualities or skills. Todays managers are much more professionals in their respective fields(shah, 2011). However I feel if a manager is good at solving problems then it will affect the sub-ordinates and the organization in positive way. Problem solving skills are called analytical reasoning skills, through this skill manager or superiors gives appropriate solutions to very complex problems which ultimately results in the achievement of goals(YR, 2011). Skills are something that is the learnt ability of a human being, whereas competencies are something that are inbuilt in a person(lotey, 2010). If I get a chance to choose my career, I would choose to be a manager in Coca Cola Pvt Ltd. Literature Review We have chosen Analytical reasoning as a key skill that every manager must have, if a manager is not able to make decisions when the team or organization is in a problem then it will not only effects his sub-ordinates but it will also effects the results of the organization in a negative manner(ferida, 2013). Now as in the above paragraph I have choose to be a Manager in Coca Cola Pvt Ltd, the skill of Analytical reasoning is going to play a pivotal role in making the operations of an organization successful. The question is how? How this chosen skill will be pivotal for the Organization. It can be understood with a help of a simple statement that when a manager of a firm is capable of making decisions and is able to solve any problem on his own without putting its burden on the senior officer that is when this skill proves out to be beneficial as it not only saves the time of the organization but also makes a manager much more competent, courageous and experienced in his relative fi eld of actions. As you can see Analytical skills will not only motivates a manager to perform well but it will also helps in achieving the common goals or objectives of an organization(roosey, 2016). When in an organization an employee is facing any kind of issues, and if they go to their manager then manager will only solve such problems, if he has the ability to solve it and that is only possible if he is experienced in Analytical skills. In my opinion if a manager, superior, boss, anyone who has powers in his hands but is not capable of solving complex problems on his own, then it will automatically blocks the way of harmony into the organization as every single employee working under such superior will feel de-motivated as every time, if any problem will occur the superior will put it on the heads of his sub-ordinates just because he is not capable. Analytical reasoning or in simpler words Problem solving is an important managerial skill also(garg, 2015) If a manager or an employer is not compet ent in analytical skills then his organization has to face consequences in terms of failure in achieving the common goals. According to a study(ceden, 2013) Managers or employees having good analytical reasoning skills not only achieves the common goals but they also succeeds in achieving their personal goals such as (promotions, appraisal) etc. An organization works in a dynamic environment where every little thing changes within a period of time, change comes with a bundle of problems that are need to be taken care off, so employees that are not good enough in such problem solving will always show their resistance to these changes, on the other hand employees or managers that are highly experienced and good at solving any problem thrown at them will happily accept such change as a new challenge and will work to make situation controllable(Ragni, 2011). According to an article given in New York Times (Cetha, 2017) said that a manager or an employer who is capable of solving any com plex problem will never gets into any disputes with his sub-ordinates or with the rivalry firms, which will again benefits the organization as a less disputed firm is always carries a good image in public, whereas a firm with lots of disputes loss its goodwill in eyes of its shareholders and market. Analytical skills also make the employees less prone to mistakes which minimize the super visionary costs(YR, 2011). According to a study by (University, 2011) A survey was conducted on 200 entrepreneur, they were given 4 skills i.e. ( Analytical Reasoning, Communication, Decision Making and Critical Thinking) from which they have to choose one and out of 200 entrepreneurs 107 chose Analytical Reasoning as a desired skill in themselves. Hence Analytical reasoning proves to be much more useful skill that a manager or an employer must have in him/her. An image below shows how successful and happy employees looks like when are competent and capable of solving problems and bringing good name to the organisation: Another thing that an organization sees is the feeling of togetherness between employees which comes because of this problem solving skill. When an employee or a manager is good at solving problems, he will then help his colleagues in solving their problems whether at personal or professional level, this will bring a feeling of togetherness between them(Tiwari, 2013). Analysis Now coming on critical analysis of this topic here we will discuss how analytical skill will help in becoming a successful Entrepreneur, Manager or an Employee. Here we will understand this with the help of an example: In an organization there are 2 managers, lets say Manager X Manager Y, X is really good in analytical reasoning and he is also motivating. On the other hand Y has never solved any problem on his own and is not at all supportive. Now both X Y are assigned with a task, X has 5 members in his team , while Y has 7 members in his team. X as mentioned is himself a problem solver and really supportive so he took this task in a positive manner and started motivating and working together on the problems occurred and they all know that they will get equal appreciation for completing this task. On the other hand Y who is not at all supportive has ordered his 3 sub ordinates to work on the problems occurred and to the remaining he has ordered to work on something else. Ys sub-or dinates are afraid to speak in front of him about their needs or problems. On the day of submission of the task X and his team successfully completed the task, whereas Y and team failed to even complete 60% of the task. On asking the reason of failure Y without even taking any responsibility he put the burden of failure on the shoulders of his team. Now who actually took the burden of the failure? The Managers? The Sub Ordinates? No, it was owner (Entrepreneur) of the firm who actually bear the loss of the failure. What was the reason of the failure of the task? It was the incompetency of the manager that resulted in the failure(University, 2011). Now we will talk about competence A group of linked abilities, obligation, information and skills that enables an individual to perform successfully and proficiently(ferida, 2013). In simpler words competency may known as a group of skills(Jaspal, 2015). Competency is in-built while skills are mostly learnt. Analytical Reasoning is a skill that comes under Behavioral Competency, because problem solving comes from within. Conclusion Here I have provided a brief but a detailed conclusion that will clear all your doubts and questions, if someone asks me if I have mastered the skill of problem solving then I would say Yes. To prove my answer I will here write my experience, I was working as a Floor Manager In LT Corp, there were 4 members in my team who were my sub ordinates, all of them were freshers. Many times we were assigned with tasks that sound impossible to achieve but as their superior it was my sole responsibility to make them work according to our requirements. Having freshers on my side made my work much more challenging and problems were arising at every interval but it was my skill that helped me a lot in solving such multifarious problems, and because of my skill of analytical reasoning me and my team won 4 awards consecutively for 3 years for excellent working and task achieving. As I have mastery in Problem Solving, similarly I do lack in Communication skill and time management skill, which I am tr ying to reach the level of perfection. Bibliography ceden. (2013). Process of Motivation. In Dravid, Process of motivation (pp. 121-156). dhaka: Dhaka Publishers. Cetha, D. (2017). Motivational Speech. Employees and their Needs , 3. ferida. (2013). MD Business. In Asha, MD BUusiness (pp. 42-90). A.J Publishers. garg, r. (2015). motivation in life. In rakshanda, M.I.L (pp. 123-185). new york: Khan Publishers. Jaspal, R. (2015). Motivational theories. Maharashtra: Jaspal Publisher. kochar, r. (2013). scientific project management. In reema. ramesh book deppot. lotey, i. (2010). skill in businesses. In g. garg, business skills (pp. 145-166). Garg Publishers. Ragni, S. (2011). Management in the dynamic world. In R. S, DynamicTheories of management (pp. 45-100). hong kong : L.U.O Publishers. roosey, M. (2016). Motivational theories. In Gargy, M.T thoeries of GARGY (pp. 99-152). Roosey Publishers. shah, H. (2011). shah. In Harish, Business organisation (pp. 86-115). choudhary publisher. Tiwari, L. (2013). Scientific Management. India: Tiwari Publisher. University, P. (2011). theoratical managerial skills. TMS , 29-60. YR, m. (2011). Business Management. In Y. mosiac, 2000 (pp. 52-100). YR PUBLISHERS.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Advantages Of Klang Valley Mass Rapid Transit Tourism Essay Essay Example

The Advantages Of Klang Valley Mass Rapid Transit Tourism Essay Essay The population in Klang Valley towards 2020 will expected to transcend 6 million to 10 million. The additions in the population in Klang Valley and Kuala Lumpur ( KL ) will increase the needed of the conveyances in that country neither in the public conveyance nor the private conveyances. Based on 2009-2010 statistics, the expected population of major metropoliss such as Kuala Lumpur, Kajang, Petaling Jaya are as followers: City Population s Growth ( % ) We will write a custom essay sample on The Advantages Of Klang Valley Mass Rapid Transit Tourism Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Advantages Of Klang Valley Mass Rapid Transit Tourism Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Advantages Of Klang Valley Mass Rapid Transit Tourism Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Kuala Lumpur 1,468,984 1,475,337 0.43 Petaling Jaya 543,413 638,549 17.5 Selayang 253,421 265,247 4.5 Kajang 428,131 448,243 4.7 Based on the informations, we can see that quickly growing in the major metropoliss in Klang Valley. Harmonizing to the growing of population, we suggests that these metropoliss should be need an great betterment particularly in public installations such as transit. In connexion with the actions of the authorities s programs to set up a public conveyance system ; Mass Rapid Transit in the Klang Valley, this will convey benefits for the citizen. Klang Valley Mass Rapid Transit ( KVMRT ) is a new system which proposed the new line under the Selangor and Kuala Lumpur rail theodolite system. This system will be implemented as portion of attempts to do Kuala Lumpur universe category metropolis under the tenth Malaysia Pelan ( 10MP ) . This new KVMRT system will be about 156km long, covering a radius of 20km from the metropolis Centre and have a capacity two million riders per twenty-four hours. This system will supported by the web of feeder coachs and covered paseos to supply end-to-end connectivity commuter and walkers. The KVMRT is linking Sungai Buloh to Kajang which involves the building of a 51km theodolite line. This system will go through through the KL metropolis Centre and be integrated with the bing KTM Komuter, Ampang LRT Line and Kelana Jaya LRT Line. It will hold 35 Stationss and 2 terminals. Therefore, we will be demoing our sentiment which besides consists the advantages and disadvantages sing the Klang Valley Ma ss Rapid Transit. The Advantages of Klang Valley Mass Rapid Transit ( KVMRT ) 2.1 Solve the deterioration traffic congestion KVMRT is a undertaking that has a tonss of advantage such as cut downing traffic congestion in the metropolis. We are informed that traffic congestion in the major metropolis such as Kuala Lumpur is really critical. Although invariably upgraded substructure, but congestion still occurs even more severely. This is because the town is an country that became the focal point of the populace. Higher criterion of life in Malaysia has besides resulted in a rise in the figure of vehicles on the route. Paths that do non consistently do traffic congestion. Based on the study conducted, there were 2.2 million vehicles in the country of Kuala Lumpur each twenty-four hours and the peak clip for traffic congestion is at 8.00 am to 9.00 am and 6.00 autopsy to 7.00 autopsy. Studies shows the figure of vehicles sold in the twelvemonth 2010 indicated an addition of 605,156 units over the old twelvemonth but merely 536,905 units, an addition of 12.71 % . This survey shows the figure of vehicles on the roads is increasing and doing the traffic congestion, particularly in the metropolis more critical. The being of this undertaking can work out the deterioration traffic congestion. Besides that, the planetary oil monetary values are unstable and are at high degrees. Residents will travel to utilize public conveyance. This is because when utilizing personal vehicles for any concern it will necessitate a high cost in position of lifting oil monetary values. When utilizing public conveyance, people will be able to cut down the cost of their day-to-day and can assist to diminish the traffic congestion of urban country. Reducing route activity The needed of the conveyances are of import because it is deal to motion in day-to-day life. By all this increases, it will besides increase the route activity where there are big sum of conveyances in the route and will do gridlock in that country. Kuala Lumpur is excessively car-oriented. The additions in the public conveyances can be curbed if there was a good development in the public transit sector. Therefore, to cut down this job, the suited ways is by the additions the utilizations of the populace s conveyance. By the KVMRT undertaking, it will cut down the route activity. It can cut downing the route activity by encourage the rider or the people to utilize the KVMRT. The KVMRT is a first public conveyance system that are able to pull off the efficient in utilizations of conveyances in the route. Harmonizing the StarMetro intelligence, the line will serve same 1.2 million people around the Klang Valley and one KVMRT passenger car can transport 300 people which is tantamount to 177 autos. ( Priya Menon and Shauan Ho, 2011: M2 ) It shows that KVMRT can cut down the route job in that country. It besides can transport the big figure of people and this can assist people moved rapidly and avoiding the route traffics that is the hinderance them motion every twenty-four hours. By merely one passenger car, it can less or decreases the utilizations of autos by 177 autos or tantamount 3 coachs on the route. The route activity will diminish by the utilizations the KVMRT. Therefore, the KVMRT is touted to work out traffic congestion in the Klang Valley. Reduce accident rates The KVMRT undertaking will besides able to cut down accident rates. Accident is a job that frequently occurs, and despite the assorted steps undertaken chiefly by the authorities. However, it is still valid. Since the undertaking is to assist cut down and get the better of the traffic congestion, accident rates indirectly besides be able to be solved. This is because the decreased figure of vehicles on the route because most people will utilize public conveyance ( KVMRT ) to transport out day-to-day activities. KVMRT public conveyance as this provides a high degree of rider safety. It is suffering KVMRT has its ain way and impossible to accident is happen. The tabular array below show the statistic of accident from 2005 until 2009: Record OF ACCIDENT IN MALAYSIA Year Entire 2005 39,132 2006 28,682 2007 27,035 2008 25,865 2009 25,268 Statistik from Jabatan Keselamatan Jalan Raya Ministry of Transportation, Malaysia. ( Kementerian Pengangkutan Malaysia, 2010 ) Promote more economic activities Get downing beginning of this KVMRT undertaking, there will a batch of economic activities exists among them as short and long term investing and making employment chances to people in environing and other countries. Through this development, the KVMRT undertaking will be to help states in accomplishing the Vision 2020. Other multiplier consequence and revenue enhancement grosss to authorities would accrue during the building period. KVMRT undertaking will be built in strategic countries such as in the township. This undertaking was made in the country that has a immense population like in the DBKL, MPKJ, MBSA and MPS legal power. Residential country such as Setiawangsa, Kepong, and Cheras. Commercial and concern zone more in Kuala Lumpur, Damansara and Kajang. The SBK Line traverses along main road and extremely built up countries in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. The undertaking traverses countries under the legal power of this 5 local governments. As a consequence, in the hereafter, many industries may exists and develop so this will take to the growing of the economic in Malaysia. In occupation creative activity factor, this undertaking will be able to pull more workers at place or outside. The demand to construct the full undertaking will make many occupations for local people. It will be assisting people find their beginning of income in transporting out this undertaking. Convenient to go The KVMRT system that are coming up will do our citizen convenient to go. Let s hold a expression at the circle countries like The Curve, One Utama, TTDI, Seksyen 17 and Sekyen 16 under the map below: Degree centigrades: UsersMazuin HamzahPicturesUntitled.jpg Presently, if the people who stay at exterior of the Damansara countries and wanted to the selected country by utilizing public transits such as LRT, they have to take LRT and halt by at Kelana Jaya and so taking public bus Rapid Bus to travel to the selected countries. This coming undertaking of KVMRT will convert people more. As we know the selected country is the chief topographic point that more people will desire to travel for every weekend. In this instance, hence, people will be delighted to acquire at that place. Beside that, traffic congestion ever occurs between the route of Seksyen 16 to TTDI and with a new system of KVMRT the job to acquire to the selected topographic point will more easiness for the citizen. The same job goes to Sambathan and Pusat Bandar Damansara because there are no direct manner to acquire at that place. Therefore, largely people have to take either LRT and public coach or they have to take two coachs if they wanted to make at that place. The direct manner of KVMRT will ease people more comparison to the current public transit in Klang Valley. Actually there are many other topographic point that should hold public installations particularly in term of transit. However the new KVMRT has cover the chief topographic points in Klang Valley that most of the people will travel. Besides, the 35 Stationss of this coming KVMRT system will make an ease entree for a batch of topographic points. Based on the map above, it will more convenient to travel to the other topographic points. There s a batch of people complain that they ca nt acquire to One Utama or The Curve without ain transit such as auto or bike. This job can be handled by presenting the new system of KVMRT. Other than that, there are no public transit either coach, KTM, The Star or other public transit that are able to travel from Sungai Buloh to Kajang straight. Normally people have to travel to KL Sentral to take another coach or train. Alternatively of taking KVMRT, it will more easier to make the topographic points such as Chocharane and Plaza Phoenix which are next the route. Therefore, the coming launch of KVMRT will do the entree of one topographic point to another topographic point more easier, comfy and less fuss. Increase the criterion of life Besides, one of the advantages is to better the quality of life. Through the KVMRT, the community located near theodolite Michigans, people can more easy and rapidly settle their day-to-day undertakings. Daily activities can run swimmingly and people can salvage a batch of clip and can pass more clip with their household. Location such as Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya, Seremban and Johor Bahru, the degrees of pollutants from vehicles needfully higher. With the KVMRT system of air pollution caused by vehicles to avoid farther to better the quality of health care. Save cost and travel clip KVMRT undertaking execution could hold a positive impact on urban environment in footings of economic efficiency, productiveness and equality of life, every bit good as the quality of life. Some of the positive impact can be seen that there is a rider clip nest eggs and vehicle operating costs and diminish the cost of an accident in which a platform is safe from the route. We can see from the general public respondents and feedback for the section Sg. Buloh to Damansara showed that 41.9 % agreed that the nest eggs in clip and travel clip can be achieved. While the path from Maluri to Kajang showed 39.8 % of respondents of the populace and agree responses. A big per centum of 82 % of respondents indicated that they still use the MRT as it is delighting to the school or their motion into the market recorded a sum of 49.5 % . The path of Sg. Buluh to Kajang besides able to cut down travel costs by RM1.6 billion each twelvemonth. Reduction of traffic congestion ensuing in a decrease of c lip can be expected of 100s of 1000000s. Those who use public conveyance will see cost nest eggs in vehicle operation. Savingss in fuel costs and vehicle care costs can be felt by consumers due to the decrease of auto traffic. The Disadvantages of Klang Valley Mass Rapid Transit ( KVMRT ) Percepts of the Residents For the KVMRT undertaking, apart from the positive side of perceptual experience, there are besides some perceptual experiences of negative facets of the undertaking which are come from the occupants sentiments and perceptual experiences and these are all the ground why the occupants do non back up the KVMRT undertaking. We will discourse some occupants perceptual experiences of negative facets here. ERE Consulting Group had province some negative perceptual experience of respondents about the KVMRT undertaking. Based from the Sungai Buloh to Semantan respondents perceptual experience of negative facets of the undertaking, 2.7 % of them think that the KVMRT undertaking may do the job of land acquisition or relocation in some country ( ERE Consulting Group, 2011: 17 ) . While, there are 8.1 % of same negative sentiment from the respondents from Maluri to Kajiang ( ERE Consulting Group, 2011: 18 ) . The occupants are inquire if the KVMRT undertaking cause some of the occupants belongingss may be acquired and causes them resettled at another location if their belongingss fell in the way of KVMRT alliance ( ERE Consulting Group, 2011: 18 ) . If so, the occupants will because of the KVMRT undertaking and lost their belongingss and place. Apart from that, based from the Sungai Buloh to Semantan respondents perceptual experience of negative facets of the undertakings, approximately 4.1 % of them are believe that, the undertaking is excessively close to the residential country, and this will do many job to the occupants who are remaining near there ( ERE Consulting Group, 2011: 17 ) . While, there are 0.8 % of same negative sentiment from the respondents from Maluri to Kajang ( ERE Consulting Group, 2011: 18 ) . When the path is excessively close with the residential country, it will do many jobs. Harmonizing to some occupants sentiments, they do non back up the KVMRT undertaking is because they think that when the building is excessively close with the residential country, this will make many jobs in their lodging country. For case, this state of affairs will make a batch of job to the occupants which live near with the building or undertaking country such as their safety job, pollution job ( noise, dust, inundations ) , and so on. These are the jobs that ever worry by the occupants ( ERE Consulting Group, 2011: 18 ) . Prove to mishandle In this undertaking, we will able to cognize how they manage the financess and operations to guarantee the success of the MRT undertaking is to finish the degree to be proud of. Fund direction is critical because it is the chief beginning in implementing this undertaking. In this instance, the financess used to construct the railroad and the path is really high if compared with the building of other railroads. A really high cost needed to beef up the system for this undertaking. It is non denied in the undertaking direction of the fund will non divert the way should non be spent. Practice of corruptness will happen and the effects the financess allocated will be affected. Cause pollution jobs The disadvantages of MRT undertaking is will do pollution jobs. It is because of the building undertaking is close to residential countries. Hence, people populating near the undertaking country will see perturbation and pollution jobs such as dust and noise pollution. This job is experienced by people populating in the 30 metre distance from the Sungai Buluh Route to Kajang. entire 2080 lodging units, 2980 units of condominium / flat units and 1,000 flats located within 30m of the path corridor SBK. In add-on, there were 12 establishments, three mosques, two churches, a temple, four infirmaries and 40 medical centres and authorities composites and shopping centres. Measurement of sound degrees to 24-hours has been conducted for 18 locations on 26 July -20 August 2010 and 1 December 2010 December 30, 2010 found that most of the noise degree exceeds the degree specified for residential countries of Town ( 60dBA to 50dBA for the twenty-four hours and clip dark ) . The jobs caused by h aze building machinery and building activities undertaken during this undertaking. Safety to resident non guaranteed/crime/theft These effects in footings of security of the population is non guaranteed, offenses such as larceny occurred. A travel from Maluri to Kajang make the boiling response of the public respondents showed 13.1 % expressed their concern for the safety of the people associated with offense. The populace is through the quiet lanes may be exposed to the hazard of larceny. In add-on, other jobs such as hazard to public safety associated with the occupants, workers, route users and nearby edifices. Underground works concern to employees workers engaged in building and public plants within the scope of the country of safety factors. In add-on, the school SJK ( C ) Nam Kheung were nearby Maluri Retrival Shaft was one of the critical countries. The usage of particular equipment used for building of multi section ( elevated ) position of the work carried out at tallness. Members of the populace and employees who are under or near the work elevated covering with high security hazard. Make the parking job The additions in the private conveyances such as autos will make the gridlock on the route. Although the KVMRT will cut down the route activity by its strengthens in carried the big sum of people that are equal to 177 autos uses or 3 coachs uses, it will make a high job around that country. KVMRT will make the parking job on the KVMRT countries such as its station and the terminals. KVMRT undertaking will give consequence on the parking job in two state of affairs or clip that is when concept the conveyances station or KVMRT web line and when that undertaking complete. When the concept clip, more than one activity should be manage proper Begin such as the public-service corporations like H2O and cloaca brinies, electrical overseas telegrams, gas pipe and so on. This activity will may impermanent loss the parking infinite and will make the parking job on that country. Beside that the affected procedure will used the big figure of country and it will give the old country. The concept clip besides can impermanent closed the route that will do the gridlock in the route and impermanent closing of route lanes. By the clip, the KVMRT undertaking will finish and it ever create the parking job but in the country of the terminal or the station. The additions in the Klang Valley and KL country will increase the demand of public conveyance such as autos because the KVMRT are enable easier connectivity between the populated on that country. The needed of the public conveyance besides will increase and to guarantee the rider can utilize the KVMRT conveyance system, they need to happen the parking country for them autos. Peoples will park country the station or the terminal if they want used the KVMRT conveyances. So, the KVMRT station should be more in parking country and if non the parking job will be in a large state of affairs. By with the efficiencies in concept the KVMRT conveyances system, it will make the parking job in that countries weather in the concept clip or when it become complete. The parking job will do higher jobs and will increase the societal job. 4.0 Some Thought Regarding KVMRT Upon cognizing this affair, the residential particularly around the countries which are included in the coming undertaking argues will likely reason with each other, one side that said this undertaking brings more injury to our Mother Earth and one side that supports this undertaking, as our group did before we realize that every physical development around the universe will at least impact the ambiance of Earth and, of class, human. The negative effects of physical development can non be prevented, but it can be reduced, at least to a degree that the injuries directed to Earth and its life signifier is low. One of the ways to minimise the effects of physical development of this undertaking is to finish the undertaking at a faster rate ( should it be carried out ) . Peoples will get down to utilize the KVMRT when the undertaking has been done, cut downing the rate of air pollution caused by the extended usage of fossil fuels to run cars. However, it may non be seeable to the people because most of them will merely see the good this undertaking will make to them ; less money to pass on fuels in this desperate times. But does this mean that the authorities will acquire the same benefits as the people do? This method requires great sum of financess. Other methods to cut down the effects of the KVMRT undertaking besides require more and more financess. This so leads to another inquiry ; will the authorities be willing to set more money on this undertaking? The excess fund needed can be used for other affairs that are no less of import than this undertaking is such as developing rural countries to cut down the rate of poorness in the state, heightening the touristry sector to pull more tourers, and many more. It all goes back to the authorities to make up ones mind about it. 5.0 Decision As a decision, there are pros and cons sing to this Klang Valley Mass Rapid Transit that coming up shortly. From the treatment above, the KVMRT undertaking has many benefits to the people once it is completed but they will hold to bear with the jobs that may look during the completion of the undertaking. Should the authorities decides to go on with their programs? We believe that this undertaking should be able take Malaysia closer to its mark ; to be one of the universe s advanced states by 2020. But from what have been discussed above, they are many negative effects, some may happen and some will happen, to the people and the environment if the undertaking is carried out. Therefore, the KVMRT, without uncertainty, brings good benefits to the people, but it put a strain on the authorities ; put more, find methods that require fewer financess, or merely travel on with the current program? The people will besides hold to confront the jobs that may and will go on during the completion of the undertaking. We know that the KVMRT undertaking has a great opportunity to be carried out albeit the fund it requires and the job that may originate when it is on the building phase.

Monday, November 25, 2019

buy custom The Prophetic Call of the Prophets essay

buy custom The Prophetic Call of the Prophets essay There are several definitions of a prophet. Several people have applied the term in various occasions to refer to an individual who has the ability to foresee the future. It should be noted that a prophet means more than just an individual, who can foresee future happenings. A prophet is defined as someone who talks for God. It is an individual who has divine inspiration and relays messages of God to people. It is an individual who has the ability to stand in place of God and report the message from God. They are an example of holiness, scholarship and nearness to the Divine Being. They set principles for the entire community to base their acts upon. Various communities worldwide have various terms that they use to refer to a prophet. In Hebrew, for example, the term navi stands in for prophet. It is a term derived from the word niv, which means the fruit of the lips. This term is used to place the emphasis on the role of a prophet as a speaker who has a role of communicating message s from God to people. According to the Talmud teachings, there were thousands of prophets in the Old Testament. These prophets reported messages that were meant for their generations and that is the reason why they were not put in the Scriptures. Prophets of God came from different generations. It was a field where any individual with a calling would take up the task. It was neither reserved for males or females, Jews or gentiles, but it was for all. It is evident that prophetic ministry was reserved for people who have attained a certain spiritual level where the divine spirit comes upon an individual. After when Adam and Eve who were created by God and placed in the Garden of Eden went against the Lords commands, they were thrown out of the Garden of Eden. God saw that it was necessary to establish a plan of salvation of mankind. He saw that since the contact between Him and Adam was broken, He considered having prophets to speak to the people on his behalf about repentance. Prophets are called by God; they are called in different ways to prepare them for a ministry ahead. Calling of Prophets Long Ago and Today Leading Gods people is not an act to be considered a vacation, and it cannot be completed through the strength and expertise of an individual. The great prophets that existed in history did not campaign to be chosen as prophets. They got the position either from God, the community or through the situations that they underwent, which made them to seek for Gods intervention. Among the renowned figures of the Old Testament like David, Solomon and Joseph among others, together with the New Testament figures like Peter or Paul, there is none of them who had or who showed the capability of becoming a great leader. The Bible attributes the success of these great personalities to their ability to honour Gods word, Gods presence in their lives, and their firm belief in God. It does not mention the role of their personal charisma in attaining these great heights. In examining various narratives, it is extraordinary how God chooses those whom He wants to use in His service to the world. He goes beyond the accepted situations to pick his prophets. He called David, the youngest child, Deborah, a woman, Abraham, rootless Aramean who lived among polytheists, Jacob, a scheming con artist, Gideon, a stupid man, Peter, a down to earth fisherman whose task was to transform a be a fisher of men, Mary, a village girl who lived in a remote country. These extra ordinary situations reflect the extraordinary situations when Jesus was born. He is the king of the whole world, but he was born to poor parents in a manger. In the book of Zechariah, Chapter 4, a prophet confirms to Zerubbabel about how God works. He points out that it is not an individuals power, or strength, but only by the spirit of God that a chosen leader is able to carry out Gods mission. This utterance confirms the fact that most of Gods prophets are not powerful in the society. They are en dowed with the spirit of God that will give them strength to do Gods will. Most prophets when called by God, first object the calling citing their inabilities. They view the task as powerful for them and hence humble themselves before the occupation. The call to be Gods spokesperson is very hard to accept. It is hard to accept to be anointed by God so as to communicate to the people what the Lord has said. God may show this calling through various signs ahead of time but very few people realize it. Most of the prophets of God in the Bible are ostracized. After accepting a call to speak they struggle to fulfil this calling. The need to speak burns within them, but the hard task lies in the act of speaking it to people who do not recognize you or the word that you are trying to bring forth. Gods call for people to be prophets has been continuous. It started in the Old Testament after the creation of the world until today. Isaiah was called to be a prophet in a dramatic way. His call came in the form of various visions, which can be grouped into four. First, there is a vision of holiness recorded in the Book of Isaiah, Chapter 6. It was in the year when Uzziah died, when he saw a vision of the Lord seated on the throne, praised and exalted and his attire filled the temple. There were a group of seraphs above him who were calling each other holy, holy. The sound of their voices made the doors to shake and the temple of the Lord was filled with smoke. The second vision that Isaiah saw, was one of his own sinfulness. He cried that he was ruined as he was a man of unclean lips who is living among the sinners yet his eyes saw the Lord. The third vision that he saw was that of grace. He foresaw one of the seraphs flow to him with coal, which he was holding with tongs from the altar of the Lord. He touched his mouth with it and mentioned that with this act the guilt has been taken away. Here his sin was taken away. The last vision that he witnessed was that of being sent. He saw the Lord asking for whom he would send to communicate his point to the nation, and he replied that he was ready to be used by God. Jeremiahs call came as a specific word from God when he was still very young. The Lord spoke to Jeremiah saying that even before he was formed in the womb God knew him; he was already set aside for the purpose of Gods will. He was appointed as a prophet for the nations. He gave excuses citing his childhood and his inability to speak. The Lord told him that despite his childhood nature he was to take up Gods calling and take Gods message to any person that the Lord sends him to. He was assured that he should not be afraid since God is with him and will always rescue him. The Lord reached his mouth with his hand confirming that he has placed a message in his mouth. His mission was over the kingdoms and nations to uproot and bring down, to destroy and overthrow, together with to construct and plant. Amos on the other hand was called while he was undertaking his daily business. He does not hail from a prophetic family and did not have an ambition of taking up prophetic ministry. He knew that being a prophet can be dangerous. He was ordered by Amaziah to go back to the land of Judah to work and get his daily bread there. He was ordered not to prophesy in the kings temple anymore. Amos answered that he was neither a prophet nor a prophets son. His main task in the kings palace was that of a shepherd and tender of sycamore trees. The Lord took him from tending the sheep and commanded him to go and speak Gods word to the people of Israel. Hoseas call to speak for God came through his own personal experience. God ordered him to go and marry a prostitute. This act was evil according to the Christians in the Old Testament. The prostitute abandons him after some time, but when she came back to him, he welcomed her back. The prophetic message of Hosea was that of forgiveness and repentance. It was a sign that the nation of Israel was sinful. It was signified by the prostitute, but Hosea who signified the Lord, was ready to welcome her back if only she repents. The message of Hosea was then that of repentance. Ezekiel was called to prophecies to the exiles in Babylon. He sees various strange occurrences taking place. First, he is taken to Jerusalem through a touch of his hair, and he is hown the level of sinfulness of the nation of Israel, here, the Lord had no mercy on the house of Israel, and they were all destroyed. He is also shown a valley of dead bones, which are then ordered back to life. These messages from Ezekiel were relevant to the group of people that he prophesised to. They were in exile and were hoping that the Lord will come and deliver them. The message that Ezekiel delivered to the house of Israel in exile was that of suffering and hope. Jeremiah was appointed to be a spiritualist long before he was born. The Lord says that He formed Jeremiah and set him apart for his task. He was Gods choice having been appointed the prophet of nations. Jeremiah objected this call citing his weaknesses. He mentions timidity and his youthful nature as his weaknesses. The Lord assured Jeremiah that He has appointed him and will use him for his task. Jeremiah was then made a prophet over all nations. He was a prophet at the time of the fall of Jerusalem and its period of exile. He prophesied about Gods covenant that it was not going to be carried around in the ark, but rather it will be written in peoples hearts. He also chooses both the young and the old. There are some prophets who were chosen long before they were born, for example, Jeremiah, while others were picked when they were already mature, for example, Moses. He was called when he was looking after the sheep of his father-in-law. A call to be a prophet is from God. It is God who makes a choice of whom He wants to use to speak for Him. He can call any individual. There is no time that a chosen person is given to prepare to take up Gods call. He picks His prophets from various places - it can be in the city or in the village, He chooses either the rich or the poor, evident in the fact when He chose Ezekiel who was from a priestly family, and He also chose Amos who was a shepherd and a tender of sycamore trees in a kings palace. There are various structures that are followed when one is called to be Gods prophet. First, there is a situation of distress or calamity where God meets an individual. Secondly, the individual is commissioned for a task to resolve the calamity. He or she is given a message to act on accordingly. Thirdly, individuals object Gods call citing their inadequacies for the task ahead or how unprepared and unreliable they are to face the task. Fourthly, God gives him or her assurance that He is with the individual when handing the task. It is an assurance that the task ahead is not the battle for the individual, but it is for God through him or her and, therefore, it is crucial to wait for Gods message in every circumstance. Lastly, there is a sign to confirm that the message is from the almighty. Various individuals are called through similar circumstances today. Prophetic Messages The prophets were speaking for God. They communicated the message from God to people. There are various prophetic messages that were communicated and are still communicated by Gods prophets. First, a prophetic message may be meant to warn people against the impending danger. When God foresees the danger that is awaiting the children of God, he sends his prophets to warn people and tell the necessary precautions. The main task of Joel as a prophet was to warn people on the damage that would befall the earth. In the book of Joel, there are various versions of how the earth would be destroyed. There is an image that shows God sending a very strong army to fight the earth and people are not able to counter this attack. Joel tells the people what that day will be like. Joel interrupts this prediction by prophesying that, before this time comes, God will bring His salvation for the people. He then warns that whoever will not be saved, when this time comes, will face the full wrath. Some prophets deliver the messages on the process of salvation. Isaiah in his prophecy seeks to tell the people what they can do to be saved. The content of Isaiahs prophecy shows this process of saving the mankind. First, he says that God is there and that people should give him praise because of his righteousness. He tells people that they should repent and come back to God. He prophesies coming of the messiah whose main task is to save the entire nation. He prophesies that Israel, which is a chosen people of God, will go against the will of God. They will be punished and taken captives because of their sins. He then points out the sins of the nation of Israel as the Lord views. He also points out that the Lord will bring judgement on the whole world when the Day of the Lord comes. He also says that in the midst of judgement, God who is gracious will extend the hand of mercy, which implies that there will be a second exodus where people will be freed from captivity. He proclaims to the people that the good news that comes out of this prophecy is that there will be the salvation. Some prophetic messages are meant for repentance. They are meant to teach the entire nation of the importance of forgiveness and repentance. Jonahs prophecy over the nation is that of repentance. It is evident from his call that he was afraid of God because of his own sinful nature. On hearing Gods call, he decided to run away, but was swallowed by a whale because of his disobedience. Jonah then goes to Nineveh where he warns people against disobeying Gods commands and repenting. He was amazed by the way the people heed his message and repented. The main message of Jonah here is that of repentance at the first instant. Another prophet that communicated a message of repentance to the nation was prophet Hosea. His prophecy came through his act of getting married to a prostitute who flees from him and later comes back to him. The prostitute was used to stand for the chosen people of God who have abandoned him. If they return, God is ready to take them back. Characteristics of Called Prophets In the society today, there are various categories of prophets who do not necessarily speak for God. This group of prophets are self proclaimed and use the word of knowledge and consider it as prophetic. Many people can receive a word of knowledge from God, but the call to speak for God is mostly for making people ready for success in the spiritual world revealing the level that we have reached in the spirit. All people have the ability to prophesy over their lives. In 1st Corinthians, a person can prophesy by faith. Ephesians, Chapter 4, reveals the fact that we all have the Holy Spirit from God and therefore, we are able to make a prophecy over our lives. There are, therefore, various characteristics that are used to separate a prophet who has been send to the people by God. Gods prophets are obedient to Gods call. When Moses was called, he was obedient to the call. He was ordered to take off his shoes as he was standing on a holy ground - a call that he obeyed. Almost all prophets of God are rejected by the people whom God sends him or her to speak. Jesus himself being the son of God was rejected by the people that he came to serve. Moses was also rejected by the people of Israel. The main reason for the rejection of prophets is that before they are called to the service of God, they are found in situations where they do not deserve any respect. Moses before his call to prophet-hood was a shepherd. When God chooses him for his service, many asked him if he thought he was to be a ruler over them according to Acts, Chapter 7. He used the signs that the Lord gave him to prove that he had really been sent by God to the people. Jesus at the same time had to perform various miracles to confirm that he was the son of God. All prophets were sent to the people by God. This is shown by the facts that assert that they have been sent from God. Their messages also show this. They often use such terms as it was said the Lord and lay a stress on the source of their teachings. When you read their messages or their scriptures, there is an evident aspect of inspiration from God. The messages from True Prophets are linked to historical events. It emerges from a certain historical occurrence that happened in their lifetime. The prophets are messengers that are meant to address the events happening during their period. Messages of true prophets are not always predictive. It is not accurate to believe that thhe Old Testament prophecies always foretell the future. There are times in the Old Testament when a prophet communicated Gods message only to his generation without necessarily referring to the future. The prophets task is to call the people of his generation to repent or to transform socially or politically. They gave warnings to the people or to their leaders of the acts of disobedience or other acts of sinful nature, which needed to be corrected. They are acting as Gods spokesmen, whether they talk of what is happening today, what happened in the past or what will come in the future. Examples of Prophets Called by God Moses is the greatest of all the prophets that are mentioned in the Old Testament. He foresaw the Torah, which means that he predicted the writings and the prophecies contained in the Old Testament prophetic books. What is told in the prophetic books is what Moses knew through Torah. Moses was selected by the Deity to lead the children of Israel from Egypt where they were undergoing suffering. The situation when Moses was called to speak for God was that of suffering of the children of Israel. God had heard the cry of the Israelites in slavery and was looking for a prophet to confront this situation. The Bible tells that Moses fulfilled the role that the Lord called him for, and there has never been a prophet that can be compared to him. He is the only prophet who was able to be in touch with God face to face, according to Deuteronomy, Chapter 34. He received Gods call while taking care of the sheep. The act of herding the sheep shows his unpreparedness for the task. Moses tried to g ive excuses for his inability to carry out the task, but he was not able to go out of Gods will. It is evident from the call of Moses that God commands respect from those that He calls upon to carry on the task of Gods spokesman. He first commands Moses to remove his shoes before going to the holy place where God dwells. Moses obeyed this command, and God was pleased with the act of obedience that Moses showed before God. God appeared to Moses in an unfamiliar situation that attracted him. He saw a burning bush that was not consumed. As a herdsman, he decided to move closer to get a lucid outlook of what was happening within the bush. As he got closer to the bush, he heard the voice of God calling him. The prophets of the Old Testament are categorized into two groups, the early and latter prophets. The books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings are referred to as early prophets. This is because they contain many prophets that lived there in ancient Israel. These prophets testified Gods messages during the early days. The other category of prophets is the latter prophets. They fell in Israel at the time that is very crucial in human history, when the Israelites had strayed from the teachings given by the Law of Moses. There were high levels of corruption in the society and other wicked ways that distorted the social life of Israel. The faithful people of Israel feared the anger of the Lord that might be thrust upon them. The call of the righteous to the society was ignored. There prophets emerged at this time who were speaking against the acts of wickedness in the nation of Israel. Some of the latter prophets include Joel, Micah, Isaiah, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah among other prophets. Their messages were directed to the nation of Israel, equally in the North and South. The latter prophets are grouped into the Major and Minor Prophets. Some of the Major Prophets include Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel. The group, which formed the Minor Prophets, include Amos, Micah, Hosea, Zephaniah, and Habakkuk among others. While all other prophets are found in the Old Testament, Revelation is found in the New Testament. It prophesies about the coming of a day that will purify the priesthood and destroy the wicked while securing the victory for the righteous. Then there are modern prophets as well, who claim to have been called by God for a mission. Do We Need Prophets Today? There are people who speak for God in the society today. These people refer their work to the verse in the Book of Acts that states that on the last days God will pour out his spirit that will give all people whether young or old the power to prophesy and speak in different languages. However, these people do not function like the prophets of the Old Testament. It is in this instance that many people have emerged to be prophets. They prophesy not in the name of God. The emergence of false prophets is in accordance to the teachings in the Bible where in the book of Mathew people are warned against false prophets. According to the Gospel of Mathew, these prophets come to you while dressed in sheeps robes but the fact is that they are wolves. According to Mathew 24, it is recorded that there will be many false prophets. There are few churches that have an office of prophets and apostles. Other groups like evangelists, pastors and teachers are found in almost all churches in the society today. In the church today the fivefold ministry has been regarded as significant in carrying out the churchs ministry. In Ephesians, it is stated that the church requires the fivefold gift, which was given to the church by Jesus Christ to perfect its ministry. Getting into the ministry of prophet-hood means a lot to an individual. It involves so many sacrifices on the part of an individual. One may be putting his or her life at stake by taking up prophet-hood. Prophets do not take into thoughtfulness the rank of education, the place they are in or how people will feel when a certain message is given. They utter the Lords message without putting into consideration any individual or a system in operation such as the government. Various people claim to be God sent in the society today. Some of these people proclaim that they are prophets and they at times strengthen this claim through the use of signs, wonders and miracles. These wonders and signs are used in an effort to show the fivefold ministry in the New Testament. The availability of prophets today is attributed to the power that the church today needs to carry on its task. Those who claim to be prophets today try to copy what the well known prophets in the Bible did. It is the essential for the church today to be aware of how the institution of prophet-hood was passed over from God to the early prophets so that they can be capable to make a distinction between true prophets and false prophets. The office of prophet-hood in the church today is questionable. According to Ephesians, Chapter 2, the prophets were tasked on laying the foundation of the church. If this then is the major task of the prophets, then the question is whether people in the society today are still laying the foundation for the church? The prophet also was a linkage between God and the people in the early church. Moses for example, was a link between the Israelites and God. He took the pleas of the Israelites to God. Today, people take their requests to God in person. When Jesus Christ was ascending to Heaven, he told the disciples that he had left the Holy Spirit, which will act as a guide to the people. There was no mention of a prophet left to act as a link between himself and the people. This fact also questions the nature of the prophets who claim that they are from God today. Some of the prophetic messages were foretelling the future. During these times, the Bible was not complete. Some Christians were not able to access the Bible. Conclusion The call to be a spiritualist hails from God. It is crucial to heed the call and act according to Gods commands. God who has power over nature has an ability to use extraordinary events to call people for His task. He used a burning bush to call Moses. Whereby the bush was burning but it was not consumed. He also showed extraordinary visions to the prophets in order to confirm His authority and His command to speak on His behalf. The call of prophets in the Old Testament showed the compassionate nature of God. He was ready and willing to forgive and take back the sinful population. He gave people a second chance to repent. The use of prophets shows us that God is concerned with the human race. He wants to establish a link between Himself and the people. This is so that He may be able to converse with mankind and express His concerns. Buy custom The Prophetic Call of the Prophets essay

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Film the Patriot and the Use of Important Terminologies Like Social Co Term Paper

Film the Patriot and the Use of Important Terminologies Like Social Conflict, Interpersonal Conflict and Conflict Management - Term Paper Example With this in mind, it should be known that communication is the process of exchanging message between individuals. Without a proper communication, it might be difficult for people to relate together. Everyone needs to have effective communication skills because it is necessary in promoting a healthy interpersonal communication. For example, if one chooses to be a critical listener, one might find it much easier to relate with others. This is due t the fact that one can lend ears to other people as they speak thus encouraging them to have confidence in one another. However, when people can not effectively communicate, it means that they can not do anything including resolving their own conflicts (Mayer, 2012). This paper presents a discussion on the use of effective communication skills by people. It does this by alluding to the film the Patriot and goes ahead to analyze the use of important terminologies like social conflict, interpersonal conflict and conflict management. The Patriot is a film which was written by Rodat Robert, produced by Gordon Mark, Garry Levinson and Delvin Dean and directed by Emmerich Roland. The 2000 released 175 minute-long film features Mel Gibson (Benjamin Martin); Heath Ledger (Gabriel Martin); Logan Lerman (William Martin); Gregory Smith (Thomas Martin); Joely Richardson (Charlotte Selton); Trevor Morgan (Nathan Martin); Tchà ©ky Karyo (Major Jean Villeneuve); Jason Isaacs (Colonel William Tavington); Mika Boorem (Margaret Martin); Bryan Chafin (Samuel Martin); Joey D. Vieira (Peter Howard); Lisa Brenner (Anne Patricia); and Chris Cooper (Colonel Harry Burwell). Although it was composed much later, the film depicts a real story of the events that took place in colonial America during the American Revolutionary War. The setting of the story is done in the heart of a rural Village in York County, South Carolina. It brings a story that revolves around the life of Benjamin Martin, an aging widower who was now left with the responsibility of bringing up his nine children.  

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Letter of intent Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Letter of intent - Term Paper Example Besides, I helped identify the various problems faced by Iranian Students, and the coordinated with the Iranian Cultural Bureau in Canada to find appropriate solutions. I was an orientation ambassador for two years at (ISC) International Study Center at Royal Roads University. I received a merit award for academic performance, from the Iranian Cultural Bureau in Canada during the winter and spring semesters of 2013. I was a mentor for one academic year at RRU whereby I helped mentees in both their academic and non-academic life. One of my strengths facilitating my motive to enroll for the program is my ability to learn fast and conceptualize new idea. This ability can be depicted through a situation whereby I came to Canada by the beginning of 2010 as a non-English speaker, but I started to learn English at ELS University of Northern British Columbia. I enrolled as a beginner in 24 moths’ program in which I was able to complete the program in 16 months only. Regarding my undergraduate program, I finished the four-year degree course within a period of three years. I also have earned my Canadian Risk Management Certificate while doing my undergraduate at Royal Roads University. All these confirms my assertions as a fast learner. I developed interest in strategic management during my undergraduate courses within the three years in university. Owing to my education background and rich experience in the business filed, I have adequate confidence that I can excel in the MBA program at the University of Northern British Colombia. I done much research about the master’s program and found out that the coursework and research profile of the university constitute a strong match. Besides, being a student at UNBC back in the year 2010 enhanced my trust towards the education level you offer. In the course of my academic and profession life, I have gained a deep understanding of the need enhancing my business and

Monday, November 18, 2019

How Neighborhoods Chosen Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

How Neighborhoods Chosen - Assignment Example mbers where they can have face-to-face social interactions and can also share common values, maintain effectual social control and socialize the youth. The following factors are considered when choosing neighborhoods: The social development of various geographical areas influences the interest of individuals to live in those neighborhoods. Social developed areas are places where there are improved schools that enable children to enjoy the luxury of learning subjects of their choices and have enough facilities to ensure students and teachers are comfortable. The places should have access to recreational facilities such as swimming pools, gyms, and sauna to make people physically fit. Wassmer (2000) stated that places that have improved social and cultural services attract people since they have connections and opportunities that encourage the citizens to interact and reach their highest potential. Neighborhoods that have many economic opportunities attract many citizens since they can get good job opportunities with high-income levels and with high income, the citizens are able to live comfortably since they can afford good housing facilities, better schools for their children and owning assets like cars. Neighborhoods that are located near major industries and markets encourage citizens to look for homes around since they are assured of better facilities from the industries and markets and even job opportunities (Ioannides, 2013). In addition, in such neighborhoods people are also able to start their own businesses because of the high population. People choose neighborhoods that enable them to have a stable physical and mental health. Regions that have access to health facilities like hospitals encourage people to live there since they are assured of places to go during emergencies. BlackMcDonald and McMillen (2011) stated that citizens consider the history of people with disabilities, illenesses, and medical care of the individuals living in various places and

Friday, November 15, 2019

PZT Material for Excessive Vibration

PZT Material for Excessive Vibration In this study it is designed and implemented a robust control technique to suppress excessive vibration and also perform health monitoring of a structure using a single piece of PZT material. The main idea is to use sliding mode controller to achieve the vibration suppression, impedance-based structural health monitoring technique, and to implement sliding mode observer to prevent any undesirable interaction between the health monitoring system and the control system, when they are implemented together. The usage of smart materials to perform nondestructive assessment of structures is of great interest to civil engineering and other engineering fields, since the integrity of the structure is not compromised. In addition, the modern each day more flexible structures bring to researchers in the field the need to find alternatives in vibration suppression.   Implementing health monitoring together with vibration control is therefore the combination of these two need in a practical and economic manner, in the sense that uses the smart materials and control devices/techniques. Smart materials have the ability of changing their properties when subjected to certain external conditions, such as electric or magnetic fields, for example. In this study the smart material used is in the form of piezoelectric patches. The health monitoring technique used in this research is the impedance-based health monitoring, which is based in changes in the structural impedance. The fundamental idea of this approach is to screen the changes in structural mechanical impedance brought on by damage. An experimental set up was performed in a free-free aluminum bar in order to check the applicability of this method. In this experiment, five pairs of PZT patches had been attached to the bar and an electrical impedance analyzer measured the electrical impedance. Damage was simulated by attaching two ten millimeters bolts between the third and the fourth PZT patch. As far as the control technique goes, it is implemented a sliding mode controller, which is designed to attain a robust v ibration control performance in the presence of the uncertainties and disturbances. Sliding mode control is a nonlinear control strategy that adjusts the dynamics of a nonlinear system by forcing the system to slide alongside a surface of the systems regular behavior. One problem this study has to deal with is the health monitoring signal that enters the feedback control loop, since the same PZT patch is used to simultaneously perform health monitoring and to sense the control system in the feedback control loop. In order to try to solve this issue, a sliding mode observer is designed. In order to evaluate the feasibility of the method proposed, both experimental and numerical studies were performed to a single cantilever beam. The controller and observer were designed based on the four lower vibration modes of the beam. The experimental set-up performed to assess the impedance-based health monitoring technique showed that a great change in impedance happens in the region where damage occurs. The experimental and numerical results showed the sliding mode observer was capable of filter the high frequency content that comes from the health monitoring, and the sliding mode control was able to suppress successfully the excessive vibration even after disturbances were introduced. The results from both numerical study and experimental set-up show that this integrated approach can provide significant vibration suppression, while simultaneously detecting damage. The research is important in the sense that brings together the concepts of health monitoring and structural control, and confirms the feasibility of this using sliding mode control/observer and impedance-based health monitoring. However, the study has that are some weaknesses, for example, not much detail is providing regarding the health monitoring of the experimental set-up of the cantilever beam, only vibration suppression results. Also, is not very clear if the results shown are from experimental or analytical evaluation. Only impulse response was verified in this study, and it would be interesting to see how the control behaves in the presence of different types of more complex loads, such as seismic. It is not practical or economically possible to use 4 to 5 PZT patches to every beam a complex civil engineering structure, so the study fails to address how to choose the location of the patches so they can be enough to suppress vibration and detect damage to a more complex struc ture, such as a building.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Frankenstein Compared to Paradise Lost :: essays research papers

In the novel Frankenstein, Mary Shelley intertwines an intricate web of allusions through her characters' insatiable desires for knowledge. Both the actions of Frankenstein, as well as his creature allude to John Milton?s epic poem Paradise Lost. The legendary Fall of Adam and Eve introduced the knowledge of good and evil into a previously immaculate world. In one split second sin was birthed, and the perfection of the earth was swept away, leaving anguish and iniquity in its ramification. The troubles of Victor Frankenstein began with his quest for knowledge, and, end where both pieces end: death. The characters in Frankenstein are a collection of those in Paradise Lost. Frankenstein parallels Eve in the Garden of Eden in that they would do whatever it takes to gain the knowledge of all things. While, the Creature corresponds to Satan because they both wanted to break free from their creators and receive a chance at their own decisions. In Chapter 15 of Frankenstein, Shelley alludes to Paradise Lost in order to establish a connection between the Creature and Adam, when the Creature tries to 'sympathize with [his] feelings and cheer [his] gloom.' However, he then realizes that it was all a 'dream, no Eve soothed [his] sorrows, nor shared [his] thoughts, [he] was alone.' The creature meets with the fact that Frankenstein abandoned him, and ?in the bitterness of [his] heart [he] cursed him.' Yet, earlier in Chapter 10, Shelley suggests an affiliation between the Creature and Satan. He feels like a 'fallen angel, whom thou drivest from misjoy.' Both Satan and the Creature make a v ow to destroy something good. In Book I, Satan vows to 'seek to bring forth evil' out of good. Similarly, the Creature declares that 'if [he] cannot inspire love, [he] will cause fear. This network of characters aids the reader in identifying the intertextuality of the two pieces. In the beginning of Frankenstein, Victor was warned of the consequences of his gluttony, whereas Satan swooped under Eve?s radar and deceived her into a desire too strong to give up. Frankenstein exclaimed the even though so much has been done, scientifically, ?more, far more, will be achieved,? and he will ?explore unknown powers.? This aspiration devoured Victor to the point that he didn?t know when to quit. Nothing caused the need for this creature, it did not advance science in any way, it only led to Victor?s eventual and inevitable death.